Joint Venture GAHP

persian lime

Grupo GAHP has partnered with producers in the Martínez de la Torre and Almanza region, who are leaders in the production of exotic and citrus fruits from the State of Veracruz.

This allows us to have product availability throughout the year.


We have product availability throughout the year, since in Mexico the highest Persian lemon production occurs between the months of April to September, and lower production between October through March.

Lime occupies the first place among the curative, preventive and vitamin-bearing fruits, transforming it into a great toxin remover and a powerful bactericide.

Mission, Vision and Values



Consolidate our presence in both national and International markets, growing with quality and experience in each of the product lines, and being a solid, professional and innovative leader in the citrus and exotic fruits industry.



Supply the needs of each of our customers by offering solutions that meet their requirements, contributing to their development, growth and being the main commercial partner of their business.



  • Quality in our products and services
  • Integrity and Honesty
  • Commitment

Goodness y benefits


Lime occupies the first place among the curative, preventive and vitamin-bearing fruits, transforming it into a great toxin remover and a powerful bactericide.

In Mexico, 1,217,250 tons of Persian limes are produced per year, of which Veracruz represents 53% of the production. In turn, a total of 743,780 MT are exported to the United States, which represents 61% of the lime produced in Mexican territory.


  • Its juice is an excellent detoxifier, purifier and helps cleanse the skin.
  • It is an important source of fiber and vitamin C.
  • Due to its alkaline nature, it balances pH levels.
  • Relieves symptoms of indigestion.
  • It is a diuretic, it helps to maintain the health of the urinary tract.
  • Stimulates the brain and nervous function thanks to potassium.
lemon tree


persian lime

Persian limes

The limes occupies a first place within the curative, preventive and vitamin contribution fruits, transforming it into a great eliminator of toxins and a powerful bactericide.


Export Market

Carton Box 40Lb (For EEUU)

Caja de cartón 40Lb

Carton Box 10Lb (For Europe and Asia)

Caja de cartón 10Lb

Domestic Market

Burlap 15 and 17 kg and various presentations


Carton Box 18Kg

Caja de cartón 18Kg

Feature Tables

Description y Characteristics

characteristics table persian lime

Data Sheet

data sheet persian lime